Monday, December 03, 2007

Kurma & Matsya Avataara at Lingampally Rayara Mutt

We were waiting for the things to kick off in the main Madhwa center of the City "Lingampally". The wait is finally over and we had successfull pravachana of the 1st and 2nd phase of NGY i.e., Sri Matsya 'ka' & Krurma rupa 'ka' Avataras of HIM.

Pt. Nagendra Prasad Achar (above) as fluent as ever with his trade mark style delivered a wonder full discourse about both the avtaras in very stringent time conditions. We did have some objections or should i say remarks of having each avatara for two days and why are we hurrying up in lingampally.

What we learnt: In brief Matsya(Madah-tsyah) avatara means The One who incarnated to finish/end ego...."Madha vannu nashana(tsyah) madavanu" Kurma(Ku-urm-aha) avatara signifies The One who incarnated to kill or end the bad waves (waves in the sense bad thoughts and all...) "Ku(bad) urm(waves) vannu savaha(end) madavanu" There was a decent audience, as expected senior citizens were out numbering!

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